A Parent’s Guide to PRCP

Choose a Level of Participation

Level 1 & 1.5
Work in the classroom according to the monthly work schedule 1-3 times per month from 8:20 until 12:10. In addition to working in the classroom, Level 1 & 1.5 families must attend all mandatory meetings, hold a Support Job, participate in fundraising and participate in two school clean up days.

Level 2
Level 2 families must attend all mandatory meetings, hold a Support Job, participate in fundraising and participate in two school clean up days.

Attend Mandatory Meetings

Each family is required to attend mandatory Meetings held 2 times per year or as needed. The meetings address business of the preschool, include voting agenda items, and will occasionally have guest speakers. All parents are required to sign in for each meeting.

Minutes from these Meetings will be posted on the parent information board.

Hold a Support Job

As a cooperative preschool, responsibilities of the administration and upkeep of PRCP belong to the parents. Each family is responsible for a Support Job. Most Support Jobs require a couple of hours each month. Our school works best and looks its’ best when we all work together.

Participate in Fundraising

Each family is required to participate in all mandatory fundraisers each year. Participation in the fundraisers typically includes participating on a committee, working a shift at the fundraiser, selling a certain number of tickets and/or passes, and other responsibilities should they become necessary. For families who do not wish to fund raise, there is a fee for non participation per fundraiser, however; families may choose to opt out of all fundraisers for the year and pay $700 prior to the first mandatory fundraiser.

Participate in School Clean Up Days

Each family is responsible for participating in two school clean up days per year.

Classroom Responsibilities

No matter what tuition level parents choose to participate at, PRCP relies on its parents to provide help during field trips, special holiday events and party days. Teachers provide adequate notice and are usually in need of chaperones and helpers.