A Level 1/ 1.5 Parent:

  • Arrives 10 minutes early
  • NEVER leaves children unsupervised
  • Assists the teacher whenever needed.
  • Does not visit with other parents. Avoids cell phone viewing. *Please be actively involved with the children! During free time join in the game, read a book, or help the children where needed. During group time help those who may be having difficulties with listening, etc.
  • Encourages children to help clean up manipulatives, art supplies, outdoor equipment, etc. rather than doing it all yourself.
  • Must complete the daily clean up. See checklists in classrooms, bathroom, and kitchen.
  • Does not talk about the children, families or teachers with other parents as children may be listening.
  • Uses appropriate (no foul) language while on the school premises and while attending preschool functions.
  • Must use the adult bathrooms. This is a licensing requirement.
  • Reports any concern (dripping faucets, shortage of supplies, children’s behaviors, etc.) to the teacher or director as soon as possible.
  • Makes changes to Classroom Aide calendar as they happen, pertaining to their involvement.

When working with children remember to:

  • State suggestions or directions in a positive manner rather than a negative manner.
  • Give a child a choice only when you intend to allow them to choose.
  • Avoid making comparisons or encourage competition when trying to motivate a child.
  • Go quietly to the child and speak to him when needed. Do not call across the classroom or yard. Get down to the child’s eye level.
  • Use your voice as a teaching tool, using tone or words that will help the child feel confident and reassured not afraid, guilty, or ashamed. Never use sarcasm.
  • Redirect behavior before it escalates into a problem. Model appropriate responses for the child. For example, “When you are angry, Sarah, you can tell Mary, I don’t like it when you push me. Please stop.”
  • Give the child a minimum of help so that she can develop independence, but do help the child if she asks or requires it.
  • Use the most strategic position in supervision. If you are chatting with the other parents you are not supervising. Remember, you are responsible for the children.
  • Be alert to the total situation, not just your area.
  • Do not answer the questions the teachers pose to the children. Even if it appears a child may be struggling with the answer. The teachers are trying to help the children think for themselves and will not allow the child to become frustrated.

Teaching Philosophy at PRCP

The best way a child learns is through interaction with his peers. If a child tells you that another child is pushing, grabbing, throwing rocks, etc.; tell the child to talk with the offender. Go with the child and make sure the message is conveyed. Make sure that both parties get to express their side of the situation. If you have questions or want further guidance, always consult your child’s teacher.

Remember, one of our main goals is to help children develop social skills. For some children it takes repeated
reminders of how to conduct himself. Never form the opinion that a child is “bad”. Always use patience and
consistency and watch for something you may praise the child for.

Feel free to discuss any questions, concerns, problems, or comments you may have with the teacher or director. Open communication is vital to the operation of our preschool.